Sunday, March 11, 2012

Second Rise


Somewhere in the midst of: studying abroad in Scotland, founding a compost program, becoming president of the Environmentally Conscious & Community Oriented House, getting a kitten, being president of Greenhouse Club, interning for edible Rhody, interning again for Farm Fresh of Rhode Island, and becoming an Italian citizen, I neglected this blog and I apologize.

I want to bring back The Wheaton Tomato and continue to do what it was created for: informing the public about local food and providing recipes that complement locally sourced food. Since I am not working for FFRI anymore, a.k.a it's not the summer, I will introduce some new features to the blog.

-Post and provide links to new and relevant websites, such as sites for jobs, other cool blogs, recipes, news articles, etc.
-More recipes and pictures!
-Maybe change the name of the Blog so that the title still makes sense when I graduate in 70 days!*
-Gardening: photos from the greenhouse, advice, problem solving
-Compost information
-Farm posts from Summer 2011
-Photos of the kitten, Koa, "making" food

*I am thinking about calling it "Jelly" for my middle school nick name, or Gelly, but I had enough trouble getting people to spell it with a "g" then and I don't have the patience to correct people now. Maybe JAM-- the sibling acronym-- did you know a bacteria was named after us? SFMA: the shorthands for the two most influential locations in my life. We shall see what is available and memorable.

My aim is to produce a more casual blog that is equal in quality to the old days.

Until then, here is a photo of Koa writing a philosophy paper. I promise this will not turn into a cat blog.

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